Now showing items 1-10 of 25
European Economy. The borrowing and lending activities of the Community in 1988. Economic convergence in the Community: a greater effort is needed.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1989-03-15)
The ecu is a ' basket-type' currency unit made up of specific amounts of Member St a tes' currencies, determined among other things by reference to the size of each Member State' s economy and fixed for a t least five years.
Convergence and budget questions. Communication from the Commission to the European Council (31st March - 1st April 1980).
(European Commission, 1980-03-20)
The Commission has sent/to the Council two communications in which it out-lined what is considered to be the major elements necessary to deal with certain Questions which have arisen over strengthening the Community ...
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1986.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1985-08-05)
As usual, the views of Parliament will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate and the ECSC operating budget for the financial year 1986.
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1985.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984-08-10)
As usual, the views of Parliamer.t will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate artd the ECSC operating budget for the fir,ar1cial year 1985.
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1987.
(EU Commission, 1986-07-31)
This chapter summarizes the information needed to set the draft ECSC operating budget for 1987 in its economic, policy and budgetary context.
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1984
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1983-08-19)
As usual, the views of Parliament will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate and the ECSC operating budget for the financial year 1984.
ECSC financial report 1980
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1981-10)
This financial report covers the year 1980, the 28th year of the European Coal and Steel Community's existence and the 26th year of its borrowing and lending operations. Since the entry into force of the Treaty establishing ...
European Communities financial report 1987
(EU Commission, 1987)
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1989.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1988-09-06)
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1982.
(EU Commission, 1981-11-10)
This Chapter summarizes the information needed to set ·the draft ECSC operating budget for 1982 in its economic, political.and financial context.