Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Rapid Reports Population and social conditions. FULL-TIME EDUCATION IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY IN 1985/1986. 1988.1
(Eurostat, 1988)
After rising fairly rapidly in the 1960's and 1970's the total number of full-time pupils and students in the twelve Member States reached a maximum of 71,9 million in the school year 1977/78. Since ...
Statistical bulletin. Education and training. Public Expenditure on Education and Training in the Community in 1981. 1985.1
(Eurostat, 1985-05-15)
Education and training financed by central and Local governments in the Community of Nine and carried out in both public and private institutions amounted to 120.6 ...
Statistical bulletin. Education and training. School and University Education in the Community. Full-time Education - school year 1981/82. 1984.1
(Eurostat, 1984-03-07)
The changing age-structure of the population, resulting from fluctuations in birth rates in earlier years, continued to have its effect on the number of pupils and students, of which the Community total fell by a further ...
Statistical bulletin. Education and training. School and University Education in the Community. Full-time Education - school year 1982/83. 1984.2
(Eurostat, 1984-11-15)
In 1982/83 the estimated total number of pupils and students in the Community continued to fall and at 58 million was more than 3 million below the peak in 1976/77. The demographic reasons for this drop were considered ...
Statistical bulletin. Education and training. School and University Education in the Community. Full-time Education - school year 1980/81. 1982.2
(Eurostat, 1982-10-28)
Young people stay longer in full-time education than was the case ten years ago. For example in the Community of Ten in 1980/81, 36% of 18-year old men and the same percentage of women of the same age were full-time ...
School and University Education in the Community: Full-time Education - School Year 1980/81.1982.2
(Eurostat, 1982-10-28)
Young people stay longer in full-time education than was the case ten years ago. For example in the Community of Ten in 1980/81, 36% of 18-year old men and the same percentage of women of the same age were full-time ...
Statistical bulletin. Education and training. Public expenditure on education and training in the Community in 1978. 1982.1
(Eurostat, 1982-04)
Public expenditure on education and training in the Community of Nine amounted to 83,8 billion ECU in 1978, equivalent to 405 ECU per head of the population aged bet-ween 5 and 64 years. This covered education and ...
Industrial Production: Quarterly statistics.
(Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1987)