Now showing items 1-10 of 34
Structure and Activity of Industry: Data by size of enterprises.
(Eurostat, 1984)
Login Industrial statistics yearbook 1984
(Eurostat, 1984)
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.6
(Eurostat, 1984-07-20)
At the end of last month the number of persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of the Nine was 12 million, following a further fall of 150.000 (-1.2%) during the month, g1v1ng an ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.5
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984-06-19)
At the end of May 1984, the number of persons registered as unemployed in the Community of Nine was 12,2 million or 10,8% of the civilian working popula-tion. The number of unemployed now appears to be approaching the ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.9
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984-10-16)
Between August and September 1984, the number of persons registered as un-employed at public employment offices in the Community of the Nine rose by almost 330 000 to 12,7 million. Over the same period, the unemployment ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.2
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984-03-19)
The number of persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of the Nine at the end of February 1984 was 12.9 million. This represents an unemployment rate of 11.SX of the civilian working ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.11
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984)
Statistikken over registrerede arbejdsløse i Fællesskabets 10 medlemssta-ter, som Eurostat offentliggør en gang om måneden, hører til de vigtigste og mest benyttede kortfristede indikatorer. Netop i ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1984.8
(Eurostat, 1984-09-14)
The rate of unemployment in the Community of Nine showed a slight increase between July and August 1984 (from 10.9X of the civilian working population in July to 11.0X in August). The total number of persons unemployed at ...