Now showing items 1-3 of 3
EIB 2022 Sustainability Disclosures in accordance with SASB Framework (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
(European Investment Bank, 2023)
The EIB carries out a three-step “sustainability due diligence” on all the investment projects it finances
in terms of their sustainability credentials such as environmental, social and governance aspects.
Certain ...
Growing green How vocational education and training can drive the green transition in agri-food
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2023-03)
The agri-food sector is a major source of green-
house gas (GHG) emissions and air pollutants in
the EU; at the same time, it is heavily affected by
climate change. More frequent and more severe
extreme weather events ...
Key figures on the European food chain
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2023)
Key figures on the European food chain provides a selection of recent data from the domains of agriculture and fisheries statistics, as well as the wider farm to fork chain. The publication is divided into ten chapters, ...