Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Commission report to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 30 June 2008.
(EU Commission, 2009-02-18)
This report is submitted pursuant to Article 130 of the Financial Regulation which requires the Commission to report to the European Parliament and to the Council twice a year on budgetary ...
Commission report to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 31 December 2008. Annexes.
(EU Commission, 2009-07-30)
The purpose of Tables A1 and A2 is to show the outstanding amount and annual repayments of capital and interest in respect of borrowing and lending operations for which the risk is covered by the Budget. ...
Commission report to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 30 June 2008. Annexes.
(EU Commission, 2009-02-18)
Explanatory notes on the situation of risks covered by the budget. The purpose of Tables A1 and A2 is to show the outstanding amount and annual repayments of capital and interest in respect of borrowing and lending ...
Report on budgetary and financial management accompanying the Community accounts. Financial year 2009.
(EU Commission, 2009)
Article 128 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities stipulates that the provisional consolidated accounts shall be accompanied by the report of ...
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2009.
(EU Commission, 2009-01)
In global figures, the budget 2009 amounts to EUR 133.8 billion in commitment appro-priations. This corresponds to an increase of 2.5 % compared to 2008, and represents1.03 % of Community GNI. A margin of EUR 3.2 billion ...
Commission report to the budgetary authority on guarantees covered by the general budget - situation at 31 December 2008.
(EU Commission, 2009-07-30)
This report is submitted pursuant to Article 130 of the Financial Regulation which requires the Commission to report to the European Parliament and to the Council twice a year on budgetary ...
Austria tourism report 2009
(EU Commission, 2009)
Council Decision 86/664/EEC of 22 December 19861 establishing a consultation and cooperation procedure in the field of tourism foresees that 'each Member State shall send the Commission, once a year, a report on the most ...
Bulgaria tourism report 2009
(EU Commission, 2009)
Council Decision 86/664/EEC of 22 December 19861 establishing a consultation and cooperation procedure in the field of tourism foresees that “each Member State shall send the Commission, once a ...
Germany tourism report 2009
(EU Commission, 2009)
. . .Annual report on tourism in Germany. Includes National Bodies responsible for tourism including key responsibilities and relationship to other national bodies.
Finland tourism report 2009
(EU Commission, 2009)
Council Decision 86/664/EEC of 22 December 19861 establishing a consultation and cooperation pro-cedure in the field of tourism foresees that “each Member State shall send the Commission, once a year, a ...