Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank.Fifth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European Commission, 2007-07-16)
Since the adoption of the euro by Slovenia on 1 January 2007, the euro area consists of thirteen EU Member States. Among the remaining fourteen EU Member States, twelve are "Member States with ...
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and the European Bank. Sixth report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(EU Commission, 2007-11-27)
Following the Council decisions of 10 July 2007 that Cyprus and Malta fulfil the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro on 1 January 2008,1 the practical preparations for the introduction of the ...
Public Finances in EMU-2007. Ensuring the effectiveness of the preventive arm of the SGP
(European Commission, 2007-06-13)
Surveillance and co-ordination of economic and budgetary policies in Member States is a requirement of the Treaty. The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) develops the provisions of the Treaty into a set of commonly ...
Report from the Commission (prepared in accordance with Article 122(2) of the Treaty at the request of Cyprus). Convergence report 2007 on Cyprus.
(European Commission, 2007-05-16)
Article 122(2) of the Treaty requires the Commission and the ECB to report to the Council at least once every two years, or at the request of a Member State with a derogation, on the progress ...
Croatia 2007 progress report. Commission staff working document.
(European Commission, 2007-11-06)
Since March 2002, the Commission has reported regularly to the Council and the Parliament on progress made by the countries of the Western Balkans region. This report on progress made by Croatia in preparing for EU membership ...
Proposal for a Council Decision enabling countries eligible for the future European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) to benefit from the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Programme
(European Commission, 2007-07-19)
The Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Programme (TAIEX) was set up in 1995 to provide short-term, targeted technical assistance to the Central and Eastern European candidate countries. The initiative ...
Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2007-2008. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council.
(European Commission, 2007-11-06)
Enlargement is one of the EU's most powerful policy tools. It serves the EU's strategic interests in stability, security, and conflict prevention. It has helped to increase prosperity and growth opportunities ...
Turkey 2007 progress report. Commission staff working document.
(European Commission, 2007-11-06)
Following the conclusions of the Luxembourg European Council in December 1997, the Commission has reported regularly to the Council and the Parliament. This report on progress made by Turkey in preparing for EU ...
The former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia 2007 progress report. Commission staff working document.
(European Commission, 2007-11-06)
The European Council of 17 December 2005 granted the status of candidate country to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This is the second report on progress made by this country in preparing for EU ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007 progress report. Commission staff working document.
(European Commission, 2007-11-11)
Since March 2002, the Commission has reported regularly to the Council and the Parliament on progress made by the countries of the Western Balkan region. This progress report largely follows the same structure as in previous ...