Now showing items 1-4 of 4
ECSC financial report 1993
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994)
Economic background and developments in ECSC industries General economic situation In 1993, the recession pursued 1ts course and unemployment rates con-tinued to rise in most Member States. At the same t1me, there was ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1993 and the outlook for 1994.
(EU Commission, 1994-09-26)
This report summarises the situation of the Community solid fuel market in 1993 and gives the Member Slates' forecasts for ·1994 from information forwarded to the Commission in June 1994. Its purpose is to inform the ECSC ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1994 and the outlook for 1995.
(EU Commission, 1994-12-14)
This preliminary report analyses the forecasts for 1994 and 1995 prepared by lhe Member States and forwarded to the Commission in November 1994. Its purpose is to provide the ECSC Consultative Committee and the circles ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1993 and the outlook for 1994.
(EU Commission, 1994-03-22)
Article 46 of the ECSC Treaty states that, to provide guidance on the course of action to be followed by all concerned, and to determine its own course of action, the Commission must conduct a study of marhet and price ...