Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Convergence and budgetary questions. Communication from the Commission to the Council.
(European Commission, 1979-10-31)
Summary account and degree of convergence of the economic policies pursued in the member countries in 1974.
(European Commission, 1976-03-03)
Together with its Comunication on the ad.justnent of the economicpolicy guitlelines for 1976r the Conmission herewith subnits to the Cor:ncila report on the eoononic policies pursuecl in the Menber States last year.In so ...
Report on the application of the Council Decision of 18 February 1974 on the attainment of a high degree of convergence of the economic policies of the Member States of the European Economic Community and the conformity of the policies pursued with the objectives set.
(European Commission, 1975-03-05)
Summary account and degree of convergence of the economic policies pursued in the member countries in the Community in 1977.
(European Commission, 1978-03-13)
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Thirteenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European Commission, 1978-10-30)
This report covers 1977, the thirteenth year since entry into force of the Ankara Agreement. Two events during this year, one in which there was relatively little activity Within the organs of the Association, are nonetheless ...
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Eleventh annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European Commission, 1976-07-27)
This report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 1975, being the eleventh year after the entry into force of the Ankara Agreement (1). The work of the Association's bodies during 1975 was devoted largely to the ...
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Tenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European Commission, 1975-08-01)
On 1 January 1974, the Association entered into its tenth year. On the same date, the Interim Agreement, which was signed in Ankara on 30 June 1973 at the same time as the Supplementary Protocol (enlargement), and which ...
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Twelfth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European Commission, 1977-12-19)
1976, the 12th year after the entry into force of the Ankara Agreement, was a difficult year for the Association inasmuch as the Association Council had to take decisions on a number of very important questions. At the ...
Second European Social Budget (1976-1980).
(European Commission, 1978-07-12)
Third report on the activities of the new European Social Fund - 1974 financial year. Report from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament.
(European Commission, 1975-07-23)
This Report on the n.cti vi ty of the Europc.::.n Socia.l Fund covers the fi~:1.ndn.l yo:.'r 1974: in :-.ccorCI..ance with Article 6 of Council Regul.::.tion {:~c) Ho 853/72, it .::.lso incluc:es.::. of ...